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South African College of Applied Psychology

1st Floor, Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, +


The South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP) has a diverse range of qualifications in the field of psychology. They all create work-readiness in students who are passionate about psychology as well as counselling. The degrees are all accredited by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). 

The smaller classes ensure that every student has individual attention and help from lecturers. The college has over 20 years of experience under their belt, which makes them the premier provider of Applied Psychology training. Students are continuously practising their skills and preparing for their future careers. 

SACAP is driven by the vision of a society made up of confident, self-aware individuals working towards betting their community. All courses provide robust training in different areas to prepare students for all eventualities. The curricula are ideal for students who want to broaden their understanding of the human psyche. Studying online is a popular option for students who are working full-time or part-time. There are philosophical debates in classes as well as in study groups to help improve student’s creativity. 

South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP) Faculties and Schools

  • Applied Social Sciences
  • Psychology
  • Counselling and Communication Skills
  • Coach Practitioner Programmes

The college creates alumni who are career-ready due to putting their studies into practice successfully.
